Legal Status
We Are The First Registered Internal Auditing Body In Pakistan.
An Institution setup under section 42 of the Companies Act, 2017, with SECP.

The Institute of Auditing (TIA-Pakistan) is registered and was established in 2022 at Islamabad-Federal Capital of Pakistan, under the laws of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan under section 42 of the Companies Act, 2017, Securities & Exchange of Pakistan (SECP) as a non-profit professional organization dedicated to the development & expansion of the practice of internal auditing. In granting the license the Federal Government had taken due care and caution in scrutinizing the academic and professional worthiness and integrity of the Executive Council/Board of Directors of the Institute besides realizing the intense need for such an Institution in Pakistan. After satisfaction with the reputation and upright standing of the Executive Council/Board of Directors of the Institute, the Federal Government has been pleased to register the Institute and grant license/permission to function as a Professional Institute/Body in the fields of Internal Auditing, Risk Management, Governance, and its allied areas.
The Institute of Auditing (TIA) is governed by its own Constitution and the relevant Provisions of the Companies Act, 2017 as applicable to such Professional Institutes/Bodies registered under 42 of the Companies Act, 2017. The Institute of Auditing (TIA) is a world leader in Internal Auditing, Risk Management, Governance, and its allied areas supporting the Internal Auditors (IAs). The Institute of Auditing (TIA) was the First Professional Institute/Body for Internal Auditors (IAs) in Pakistan, The Institute of Auditing (TIA) assumes multiple roles in its mandate to develop and promote the critical role of Internal Auditors (IAs) in the global economy. As an organization, TIA serves as an educator, examiner, regulator, and thought leader in the field of auditing.
Our professional qualifications deliver essential knowledge, skills, and technical expertise in Internal Auditing, Risk Management, Governance, and its allied areas. We ensure our members are at the forefront of their profession by maintaining and developing their skills and knowledge. We regulate professional and ethical standards and are industry leaders in the provision of technical Internal Auditing information .
To establish an Institute for advancement and raising standards of professional education and training in the fields of Internal Auditing, Risk Management, Governance, and its allied areas
Mission & Vision
The Institute of Auditing (TIA) accomplishes its mission, goal, and objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.
Special Committees
The Executive Council/Board of Directors of The Institute of Auditing (TIA) has constituted the following Special Committees for the exercise of powers that the Executive Council/Board of Directors is empowered to exercise under the constitution