Institute as a Professional Body
There is no Institute in Pakistan except The Institute of Auditing (TIA) which offers Professional Membership Programs in Internal Auditing. The Institute of Auditing (TIA) is certainly a Professional Institute/Body which has embarked upon imparting professional education in Internal Auditing and its allied areas, as it:-
- Enjoy independent statutory status and therefore, does not require affiliation with any University or Board of education.
- Confer's professional membership to those who qualify the prescribed conditions of eligibility for admission as members of The Institute of Auditing (TIA).
- Offers professional programs in Internal Auditing and its allied subjects of postgraduate and post-master level and has set sophisticated examination standards.
- Lays down attainment of practical working knowledge or prescribed experience of Internal Auditing work of the nature acceptable to the Executive Council/Board of Directors of The Institute of Auditing (TIA).
- Has laid down a strict professional code of conduct and Ethics for its members and students.
Institute as an Examining Body
Considering the international practice of professional Institutes to restrict their activities to holding examinations only as the major part of their educational policy, The Institute of Auditing (TIA) also follows a similar global tradition by remaining an examining body, although it also aims at providing comprehensive educational infrastructure and other facilities.