
Appointment as Country Head Bahrain

Appointment as Country Head Bahrain Chapter TIA-PAKISTAN (CHBCTIAP)

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Haziq Neshat Akhtar as the Country Head for the Bahrain Chapter of The Institute of Auditing (TIA) in Pakistan (CHBCTIAP). This appointment, effective April 5, 2024, reflects our commitment to promoting and developing the Certified Internal Auditing Professional (CIAP) Program offered by The Institute of Auditing (TIA) in Pakistan.

In his new role, Mr. Akhtar will serve as the key representative and leader of TIA-Pakistan's operations in Bahrain. His primary responsibilities will include advancing the CIAP Program's objectives, fostering relationships with stakeholders in Bahrain, and overseeing the program's growth and development within the country.

Mr. Akhtar's appointment underscores our dedication to expanding the reach and impact of the CIAP Program internationally. His leadership, combined with his passion for the auditing profession, will be instrumental in driving the program's success in Bahrain and strengthening TIA-Pakistan's presence in the region.

We congratulate Mr. Akhtar on his appointment and look forward to working closely with him to achieve our shared goals of excellence and advancement in the field of internal auditing.


Appointment as Director Coordination, Business Development & Training

Appointment as Director Coordination, Business Development & Training (DCBDT) TIA-PAKISTAN, UAE (All States/Regions)

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Syed Muhammad Farhan as the Director of Coordination, Business Development & Training (DCBDT) for The Institute of Auditing (TIA) in Pakistan and the UAE, covering all states and regions. This appointment, effective April 1, 2024, is intended to support the advancement and growth of the Certified Internal Auditing Professional (CIAP) Program offered by The Institute of Auditing (TIA) in Pakistan.

In his new capacity, Mr. Farhan will be entrusted with the responsibility of coordinating various activities related to business development and training initiatives across Pakistan and the UAE. His role will involve fostering partnerships, exploring new business opportunities, and enhancing training programs to strengthen the CIAP Program's presence and impact in these regions.

Mr. Farhan's extensive background and expertise make him well-suited for this pivotal role, where his efforts will be instrumental in driving the promotion and development of the CIAP Program. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mr. Farhan on his appointment and eagerly anticipate the valuable contributions he will make towards advancing our organizational objectives in coordination, business development, and training.


Appointment of Director Research

Appointment of Director Research & Education (DRE) TIA-Pakistan, Qatar, KSA & Other Middle East Regions

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Muhammad Omair Arfeen as the Director of Research & Education (DRE) for The Institute of Auditing (TIA) in Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and other Middle Eastern regions. This appointment, effective April 1, 2024, is aimed at advancing and enhancing the Certified Internal Auditing Professional (CIAP) Program offered by The Institute of Auditing (TIA) in Pakistan.

In his new role, Mr. Arfeen will be responsible for spearheading initiatives that promote the growth and development of the CIAP Program across these regions. His expertise and dedication will play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and relevance of the program, ultimately contributing to the professional development of internal auditors in the industry.

We believe that Mr. Arfeen's extensive experience and profound understanding of the field will bring valuable insights to our organization and help us further our mission of fostering excellence in auditing practices. We extend our warmest congratulations to Mr. Arfeen on his appointment and look forward to his valuable contributions in advancing our educational and research endeavors.


MOU ifc

TIA-Pakistan signed Mutual Understanding Agreement with with Institute of Financial Consultants (ifc).

In October 2023, The Institute of Auditing-Pakistan (TIA) established a significant Mutual Understanding with the Institute of Financial Consultants (IFC), focusing on "Reciprocal Membership."

This collaborative agreement signifies a commitment from both TIA and IFC to promote a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship in the realm of professional memberships. The essence of this understanding lies in the reciprocal recognition of each other's memberships, allowing members of TIA and IFC to avail themselves of the benefits and privileges offered by both institutions.

The benefits of this Mutual Understanding are manifold. For members of TIA, it opens up avenues to expand their professional network and gain access to resources, events, and opportunities provided by IFC. Similarly, members of IFC can benefit from the resources and offerings of TIA, enhancing their professional development and global networking opportunities.

Moreover, this collaboration fosters an environment of shared knowledge and expertise between TIA and IFC. It encourages collaborative initiatives, such as joint events, conferences, and knowledge-sharing sessions, contributing to the enrichment of both institutions' educational and professional landscapes.

The concept of "Reciprocal Membership" underscores the commitment to inclusivity and collaboration between TIA and IFC. It facilitates a seamless experience for professionals associated with both institutions, creating a more interconnected and supportive professional community.

ifc USA

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TIA-Pakistan signed Mutual Understanding Agreement with Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA).

In October 2023, The Institute of Auditing-Pakistan (TIA) and the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) entered into a significant Mutual Understanding, particularly in the context of "Exemption in Prescribed Papers."

This collaborative agreement is a testament to the commitment of both TIA and CIPFA to facilitate a streamlined educational journey for aspiring professionals. The essence of the understanding lies in recognizing the academic achievements of individuals associated with TIA, whereby they may be granted exemptions in certain papers prescribed by CIPFA.

The benefits of this understanding are multifold. Firstly, it provides TIA-affiliated professionals with a more efficient pathway to attaining CIPFA qualifications, saving time and effort in their educational pursuits. The exemption in prescribed papers acknowledges the rigorous curriculum and standards upheld by TIA, creating a smoother transition for individuals aiming to augment their credentials with CIPFA recognition.

For CIPFA, this collaboration reflects an acknowledgment of the academic rigor maintained by TIA. It broadens CIPFA's global reach by attracting talented professionals from TIA's network, fostering diversity in its student body, and enriching the overall educational experience.

Furthermore, this Mutual Understanding sets the stage for ongoing collaboration between TIA and CIPFA, fostering an environment of academic exchange and shared expertise. Joint initiatives, such as research endeavors and faculty exchanges, may be explored to enhance the educational offerings of both institutions.


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Accreditation ProfQual

TIA-Pakistan achieved accreditation and recognition from the ProfQual, UK.

In October 2023, The Institute of Auditing-Pakistan (TIA) achieved a notable accomplishment by obtaining accreditation and recognition from Cambridge Academy of Professionals (CAP).

This accreditation solidifies a partnership between TIA and CAP, signifying a mutual commitment to uphold and acknowledge each other's educational and professional standards. The accreditation process involves a thorough evaluation, ensuring that TIA's programs align with the high-quality standards set by CAP.

The collaboration between TIA and Cambridge Academy of Professionals holds several advantages for both institutions. Firstly, it enhances the global recognition of qualifications awarded by TIA, opening doors for its graduates and professionals to gain broader acceptance and credibility on an international scale.

For Cambridge Academy of Professionals, the accreditation reinforces its commitment to partnering with institutions that meet rigorous academic standards. It adds to CAP's network of reputable institutions, further solidifying its standing as an institution dedicated to academic excellence.

This collaboration fosters opportunities for joint academic initiatives, research projects, and faculty/student exchanges. The exchange of intellectual resources benefits both TIA and CAP, enriching the academic experience for students and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field of auditing.

ProfQual, UK

for further information


MOU Cambridge Academy of Professionals

TIA-Pakistan signed Mutual Recognition Agreement with Cambridge Academy of Professionals (CAP).

In October 2023, The Institute of Auditing-Pakistan (TIA) achieved a significant milestone by establishing a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) and forming a partnership with Cambridge Academy of Professionals (CAP).

This Mutual Recognition Agreement formalizes a commitment between TIA and CAP to recognize and reciprocate each other's educational and professional standards. The agreement sets the stage for collaborative initiatives aimed at fostering excellence in academia and beyond.

The partnership between TIA and Cambridge Academy of Professionals offers numerous benefits for both institutions. Firstly, it facilitates joint research endeavors, collaborative academic programs, and the exchange of scholarly expertise. This shared intellectual engagement contributes to the enrichment of educational offerings at both TIA and CAP.

Moreover, the Mutual Recognition Agreement enhances the global recognition of qualifications awarded by both institutions. Graduates and professionals affiliated with TIA and CAP can experience broader acceptance of their credentials on the international stage, enhancing their prospects for career advancement and global mobility.

The collaboration also promotes faculty and student exchanges, creating a diverse and inclusive academic environment. Faculty members and students from TIA and CAP can engage in cross-cultural experiences, broadening their perspectives and enriching the overall learning environment.


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MOU Pebble Hills University, USA

TIA-Pakistan signed Mutual Recognition Agreement with Pebble Hills University, USA.

In October 2023, The Institute of Auditing-Pakistan (TIA) achieved a significant milestone by establishing a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) and forming a partnership with Pebble Hills University, USA.

This Mutual Recognition Agreement formalizes a commitment between TIA and Pebble Hills University to recognize and reciprocate each other's educational and professional standards. The agreement sets the stage for collaborative initiatives aimed at fostering excellence in academia and beyond.

The partnership between TIA and Pebble Hills University offers numerous benefits for both institutions. Firstly, it facilitates joint research endeavors, collaborative academic programs, and the exchange of scholarly expertise. This shared intellectual engagement contributes to the enrichment of educational offerings at both TIA and Pebble Hills University.

Moreover, the Mutual Recognition Agreement enhances the global recognition of qualifications awarded by both institutions. Graduates and professionals affiliated with TIA and Pebble Hills University can experience broader acceptance of their credentials on the international stage, enhancing their prospects for career advancement and global mobility.

The collaboration also promotes faculty and student exchanges, creating a diverse and inclusive academic environment. Faculty members and students from TIA and Pebble Hills University can engage in cross-cultural experiences, broadening their perspectives and enriching the overall learning environment.

Pebble Hills University, USA

for further information


MOU Prowess University

TIA-Pakistan signed Mutual Recognition Agreement with Prowess University, USA

In October 2023, The Institute of Auditing-Pakistan (TIA) achieved a significant milestone by establishing a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) and forming a partnership with Prowess University, USA.

This Mutual Recognition Agreement represents a formal commitment between TIA and Prowess University to recognize and reciprocate each other's educational and professional standards. It sets the stage for collaborative initiatives aimed at fostering excellence in academia and beyond.

The partnership between TIA and Prowess University offers numerous benefits for both institutions. Firstly, it paves the way for collaborative research endeavors, joint academic programs, and the exchange of scholarly expertise. This shared intellectual engagement contributes to the enrichment of educational offerings at both TIA and Prowess University.

Additionally, the Mutual Recognition Agreement enhances the global recognition of qualifications awarded by both institutions. Graduates and professionals affiliated with TIA and Prowess University can experience broader acceptance of their credentials on the international stage, enhancing their prospects for career advancement and global mobility.

The collaboration also facilitates faculty and student exchanges, promoting a diverse and inclusive academic environment. Faculty members and students from TIA and Prowess University can engage in cross-cultural experiences, broadening their perspectives and enriching the overall learning environment.

Prowess University, USA

for further information



TIA-Pakistan signed Mutual Recognition Agreement with Global Educational & Professional Excellence Academy University (GEPEA)

In October 2023, The Institute of Auditing-Pakistan (TIA) achieved a significant milestone by entering into a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) and establishing a partnership with the Global Educational & Professional Excellence Academy University (GEPEA).

This Mutual Recognition Agreement signifies a collaborative commitment between TIA and GEPEA to acknowledge and reciprocally recognize each other's educational and professional standards. It establishes a framework for cooperation and collaboration in various academic and professional endeavors.

The partnership between TIA and GEPEA holds several benefits for both institutions. Firstly, it facilitates the exchange of knowledge, expertise, and resources, enriching the academic experiences offered by both TIA and GEPEA. This collaboration opens avenues for joint research initiatives, academic publications, and the sharing of best practices in education.

Additionally, the Mutual Recognition Agreement enhances the global recognition of qualifications awarded by both TIA and GEPEA. Students and professionals associated with these institutions can experience broader acceptance of their credentials, contributing to increased opportunities for career advancement and mobility.

Furthermore, the partnership creates a platform for faculty and student exchanges, fostering cultural diversity and a global perspective within the academic communities of TIA and GEPEA. This exposure to different educational approaches and cultural contexts enriches the learning environment for students and faculty members alike.

GEPEA University

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